Social Media and Me

I grew up in the early 2000’s and 2010’s. A time where social media wasn’t the dominating force that it is today. I have been on social media for just about half of my life, which means it didn't become a major player in my development until I hit middle school. Even then, I had the very first version of Snapchat where photos only lasted 3 seconds and the early version of Instagram, where I followed nail art accounts and used the sepia filter more than I should have. I have joined and left various platforms as they have been released and since fallen off, I have grown and changed as rapidly as the social media I was and am still using does. 

So, what do I use social media for? This can be split into two basic categories: personal and professional use. The same can be said for many people who are in the working world. 


  • Instagram 

  • TikTok 

  • Twitter (X) 

  • Snapchat 

  • Facebook 

My personal account is where I post my everyday life for my family and friends to see. Each account has a specific benefit for my life varying from personal connections to pure entertainment. Using my personal accounts is what actually what landed me in the position I am in today. Through interactions with brands and other figures on social media inspired me to steer my career in the direction of social media. 


  • Instagram 

  • TikTok 

  • LinkedIn 

Professional social media can take many shapes and forms, but for me, these are the three I have mainly gravitated to for both my personal brand and for work I have done for other brands. Using social media professionally can create great connections and relationships between myself, other professionals, and my potential audience. It’s all about growth and connections. 

Growing up in the ever changing social media scene has prepared me to be able to separate my personal and professional social media goals while learning no matter what account I'm on. Seeing how social media has become the top tier way to reach and connect with audiences has inspired me to want to work within the profession. No matter where I look, my life is intertwined with social media usage, and that's something I can get behind.


Instagram is the Place To Be


The Importance of Behind-The-Scenes Content